Inspiring people: Naomi Klein

Today I want to talk you about somebody that keep me inspired: the canadian activist and journalist Naomi Klein. 
I aime you to look more into her job. She is the author of amazing books such as No Logo, The Shock Doctrine or This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate. 
Anyway, apart from personally looking up to her, i want to show you this interview that a Spanish investigation tv program made to her. Here, she talks in a comprehensive and fearless way about many economic and climate topics that concern today's society. 
This documentary is not so connected with ICT as you could expect, but I still think that, after talking about so many issues related to sustainability and development, it is really interesting to watch it. Maybe it makes you wonder more things and get closer to the Sustainable problem. Who knows, i just leave it here as a source of  interesting information.


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