ICT for women empowerment

Yesterday i was checking the news and heard about something that called my attention. I read an article at El Pais (you can read it here) about women that had change our world during the last year.

It is about some women that have fought for some goal and finally, they have reached it. There were some that have changed laws, others have started some charity projects...What does it have to do with our typical topic ICT? Well they all have reached their objectives by using Change.org platform. People around the world had supported their projects by singing in this virtual place.
So, ICT have help to spread their work and have given the opportunity to these woman to make themselves listened, out and loud.

ICT can become an empowerment tool very valuable when used correctly and can give voice to all of us. Moreover it helps to empower women, who usually, dont have all public recognition.

Here you have a video talking about all these women and their projects.

Merry Christmas !!!


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