Social Sustainable Development and ICT
After all our discusion I assume that you already have an idea about how ICT can act to make social sustainable development a reality.
In this particular case, ICT are a mean to achieve some targets: reducing poverty, improving acces to health services, making education spread, empower local communities... ICT give us the tools to develop some programs and policies that turn this needs into reality.
So, next post will be about different points of view, examples and projects that are helping by ICT to improve lives all around the world.
For today, i have a nice World Bank report that you can check in order to understand better how ICT can help reducing poverty. This one gives you many information about indicators, methodologies, etc. but also about real processes that have been built up in many different places.
"The goal of this report is to provide a framework for thinking about information and communication technologies (ICTs), poverty, and development that could guide further analysis and future projects. The particular focus of this report is on our current understanding of the nature of poverty and the challenges of development, an analysis of how ICTs might address those challenges, and some tentative lessons drawn from our experience thus far. Therefore, this report includes information and analysis on a number of ICT-for-development initiatives, but its goal is to provide not a detailed checklist of what works but a roadmap for understanding what might work and why in specific circumstances, informed by the successes, and failures, of a variety of projects in recent years. Its focus, therefore, is on ICTs as means, not ends, as tools that enable desired changes - in the performance of institutions and markets, in the livelihoods of poor people and the vulnerabilities they face, in the capacity of individuals and governments - since it is these changes, not ICTs, that lead to poverty reduction and sustainable development. These outcomes - fewer people in poverty, more vibrant developing-country economies, more responsive government institutions, reduced disease and illiteracy, greater gender equality - are the ultimate measure of the value and impact of ICTs in development."
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